The authority is an independent statutory body established under the Climate Change Authority Act 2011(Opens in a new tab/window) to provide expert advice to the Australian Government on climate change policy.
Our Role
The authority plays an important role in the governance of Australia's climate change mitigation policies including by providing independent advice on:
- the preparation of the Annual Climate Change Statement to Parliament; and
- greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets to be included in new or adjusted nationally determined contributions (NDC).
The authority also undertakes reviews and makes recommendations on:
- the Carbon Farming Initiative (Emissions Reduction Fund),
- the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting System, including the Safeguard Mechanism.
- other matters as requested by the Minister responsible for climate change or the Australian Parliament.
The authority conducts and commissions its own independent research and analysis.
All reviews will include public consultation and all reports will be published on the authority's web site after they have been given to the Minister.
The authority is made up of a Chair, the Chief Scientist and up to seven other members.