The Climate Change Authority Act 2011(Opens in a new tab/window) requires the Authority to review particular climate change policies and initiatives and report to the Minister responsible for climate change and the Australian Parliament.

Review of the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting legislation

On 31 July 2018, the Climate Change Authority released a consultation paper on its operational review of the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting legislation. Submissions can be made to the Authority until 11 September 2018.

Review of the National Wind Farm Commissioner

On 31 May 2018, the Climate Change Authority released its review of the National Wind Farm Commissioner.

Review of the Emissions Reduction Fund

On 11 December 2017, the Climate Change Authority released the final report on its review of the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF). The review focused on the operational aspects of the ERF. The Authority is required to review the Carbon Farming Initiative and the ERF every three years.

Towards the next generation: delivering affordable, secure and lower emissions power

The Minister for the Environment and Energy asked the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) and the Climate Change Authority to jointly provide advice on policies to enhance power system security and to reduce electricity prices consistent with achieving Australia's emissions reduction targets in the Paris Agreement.

Special Review

The Minister for the Environment asked the Climate Change Authority to conduct a Special Review into Australia’s policies and future targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, in the context of its international commitments and the action of other countries.

Renewable Energy Target Reviews

The Climate Change Authority has released two reviews of the Renewable Energy Target, in 2012 and 2014. The 2014 review focused on a small set of priority questions, including the 2020 Large-scale Renewable Energy Target, the role of the RET after 2020, assistance for solar photovoltaics (PV) under the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme and the basis of exemptions for emissions-intensive, trade-exposed industries.

Carbon Farming Initiative Review (2014)

The Climate Change Authority released its statutory review of the Carbon Farming Initiative in December 2014. The Authority evaluated the performance of the CFI to date; considered the extent to which the design of Emissions Reduction Fund (which replaces the CFI) improves on the CFI; and discusses the contribution the ERF could make to Australia’s emissions reduction goals for 2020 and beyond.

Targets and Progress Review

The Climate Change Authority released the final report of its Targets and Progress Review in February 2014. The Authority considered Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals and its progress toward meeting them. The Authority adopted a budget approach and recommended a coordinated set of emissions reduction goals for the short, medium and long term.

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